On the unexpected road to recovery: Nilsa and her breast cancer diagnosis

In 2018, Nilsa traveled from her home in Mexico City to vacation and spend time with her family in Kennett Square. One day, she accidentally hit her right breast against a wall and bruised it; however, since the bruise did not look that bad, she did not pay much attention to it. After a couple of days, she noticed that the bruise was gone, but there was a mass in its place.
She mentioned the mass to her sister, and her sister suggested that she schedule an appointment at LCH Women’s Health Center in West Grove.
When Nilsa came to LCH, she was seen by our Nurse Practitioner Catherine Domanska Elliott, WHNP-BC, who proceeded to examine her and quickly referred her to a specialist to confirm her suspicions about the cause of the mass. When the results came, Nilsa was diagnosed with breast cancer. LCH continued to work with the oncology specialist to coordinate follow up treatment.
Thanks to the quick care Nilsa received and the early diagnosis, her outlook is much more positive than it could have been had there been a delay in her ability to access care. “I’m really grateful to LCH. They have supported me so much. I wasn’t expecting this much help. Once I get better, I want to find a way to help and give back the same way that it was given to me.”