Healthy Lifestyle Changes for Fabián

Fabián is a husband, father, and hard-working LCH patient who makes his family his priority. One day, after working long-hour days for many years, he noticed he was feeling tired, having some pain and tingling in his legs, and his weight had increased.
Fabián came to LCH to see his provider Kate Hoffer, DNP, RN, and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and Lyme disease. He immediately made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle by changing things like foods he ate, rest, and exercise habits. Kate also recommended Fabián to reconsider his work-life balance, so he changed his schedule to have more time for himself and his family.
After some time, Kate noticed that Fabián was feeling happier than ever before. Now, Fabian is resting more, exercising more and eating better. Fabian has lost a lot of weight since coming to LCH and working with Kate, he says, “I feel very, very, very, well!”