When life overwhelms, LCH’s coordinated services can help

Rosa’s life would have overwhelmed most people: she was a single mother juggling a difficult custody arrangement with a hostile ex-husband, a full-time job, and chronic health issues.
She had been coming to LCH for health care for a little while, and during one visit she tearfully told her provider that she had lost her job due to her absences dealing with family matters.
Rosa’s provider connected her to our bilingual behavioral health consultant, and also helped her to schedule an appointment that same day with LCH’s staff attorney. Our attorney was able to resolve the custody issue, and ultimately helped Rosa to get her job back. After receiving a few months of behavioral health counseling, Rosa is now off all medication, exercising, working, and much more confident that she is on the road to changing her life for the better.
Rosa’s story is an example of the power of what we at LCH call “Integrated Person Centered Services.” It means that we look at each client as an individual with multiple needs and concerns, and that our staff members across different services work together to identify and meet all of the needs each person has to help them achieve health and stability. In Rosa’s life, this approach meant that our health care, behavioral health, and legal staff were able to work together to help her rebuild her life.